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Trauma Coaching

Trauma Coaching

With a personal experience of trauma and a deep appreciation and connection to trauma coaching, I am very proud to offer this service and provide the life-changing help so many people require.


For many, trauma won’t be impacting their life adversely at the time they seek coaching. For others, it will be a constant obstacle getting in the way of them making significant personal and career changes.


I understand the need for safety, clear boundaries, and confidentiality to help you feel secure and equipped to explore your individual trauma. As an experienced trauma-informed coach, I am able to listen out for and understand the signs of an internal trauma system. I know how to gently and effectively invite you to explore potential links between your past trauma and the present, and to reflect on what plan of action would be beneficial, healthy, and conducive to your wellbeing.


My goal is to help you come to terms with trauma and work past underlying emotions with an effective plan of action.

“Michael came into my life at a time when I was facing a great challenge.  As my friend and coach he has helped me navigate my journey and explore my options as I discover what’s next.”

Lindsay D.

Copyright © 2022-2024 Michael Hammer / Dragonfly Coaching

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